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See also: Our Commitments, Wondrous Wisdom

Econet Culture

Econet is a transformative investigatory community.

  • a culture of the investigatory mind.
  • a culture of wonder.
  • a culture of speechlessness (by the second mind) and receptivity (by the first mind) indicating atunement (by the third mind)
  • a culture of learning forever, growing forever, living forever, here and now.
  • a culture of responsibility for ourselves, our society and our environment.
  • a culture of divine love in support of fulfilling lives.
  • a culture of transcendence, ever going beyond ourselves.
  • a universal subculture.
  • a work-in-progress.

Living by Truth

Econet culture is based on "living by truth", which is Andrius Kulikauskas's deepest value in life. His personal culture is a life of investigation in all things.

Truth here means not "personal truth" but "absolute truth", which is quite challenging. It means letting go of all of the prejudices in our answers, and all of the presumptions in our questions, and rather focusing on the investigations that link questions and answers, form and content, principles and experiences.

The culture of "living by truth" is a minimalist culture that presumes as little as possible. Thus it may well be compatible with all personal cultures, with any deepest value that a person may have. There can be many cultures.

Econet is a global meeting place for all of our personal cultures, all of our deepest values, thus all of us.

Wondrous Wisdom is a language of wisdom, of knowing everything in terms of absolute truth, of allowing us to understand each other fundamentally. Wondrous Wisdom is a maximalist language just as Living by Truth is a minimalist culture.


Best hours

Our Underlying Interests

Jere's interests include:

  • Adoption of ecotechnology
  • Eradication of detrimental inequality
  • Communicating a new way of thinking as an alternative to the thinking that yielded our inequality

Andrius would like to:

  • Develop a new language of ethical analysis by which an individual can take action to adopt ecological practices and address inequality
  • Show where that language inherently applies the principles of ecotechnology, such as being cognizant and focusing on local solutions

Relevance for Languages of Wisdom: Analysis of ecological practices can inform a language of argumentation, how things come to matter, which would clarify the logic of ecological living, which is generally baffling.

Working Together

We are exploring fruitful ways to work together as investigators.

Zoom meetings for our "families" (study groups)

  • We have weekly zoom meetings. Typically they are centered on the interests of a particular investigator. That investigator may meet one-on-one with a colleague, mentor, friend etc. perhaps every other week, and on the alternating weeks, they may meet with a wider group of investigators. Thus they are like parents, who are manifesting two minds, and also fostering the third, investigatory mind in their children.

Email group

  • A way to keep in touch, share news and maintain a contemplative rhythm.
  • We have a rule that an individual should send no more than one letter per day, which keeps it contemplative.


  • Wiki is an environment for working alongside each other and collaborating on pages of shared interest.
  • Wiki chat keeps it social.

We will also consider other social technologies as appropos.


The following readings give a preview of the culture we are shaping.

In 2014, Andrius wrote The Truth: From Relative to Absolute, a summary of his understanding, including his vision for the culture he seeks.

In 1988, Jere wrote the first version of his intellectual autobiography, UDU: The Personal and Philosophical Origins of ODODU, where he shares his thinking process.

In 2017, Andrius gave a presentation on Minciu Sodas, 1998 to 2010, his online laboratory for serving and organizing independent thinkers around the world, which developed a distinct culture. The Orchard of Thoughts: An Alternative Culture of Growing in Not Knowing.

In 2021, Andrius put together Letters for Enlighteners (in Lithuanian), including personal experiences from his friends Silvijus Pokštas, Bill Pahl, Raimundas Vaitkevičius and Thomas Gajdosik. Silvijus and Andrius did workshops at Alytus Prison to mentor prisoners on how to grow as independent thinkers.

Here is the best overview of Wondrous Wisdom.

Inspiring Cultures and Subcultures

Econauts are Alethonauts

Ryan Alonge has agreed to be our first econaut (like an astronaut for the ecology).

Alethonaut - sailor of truth

Ideas and Notes

Theme on the solstice and equinox - teams work together - culture of festivalism - gamify an investigatory question

artistic - fantastic think out of the box / artistic endeavor and present that design. Describe question and another comes up with a way and someone else illustrates - like guess who game of images or description. round robin of each one on the question - how would you investigate.

Thinking through the logic

  • Describing the vantage point (such as every human being, starting with those around us - "love your neighbor") that we want to identify with and develop the moral, logical, practical consequences.

Where the logic may lead

  • Ethically and legally grounding the broad use of Public Domain.
  • Establishing a tax on Artificial Intelligence that would contribute to Universal Basic Income globally.