Econet action plan presentation
Community Economics presentation see Community Economics for the investigations.
Part I. Economics
We don't understand economics but we believe we need to
We want to investigate economics without prejudices or preconceptions
We are considering, anthropologically, the ways that economists figure things out
We collect hundreds of ways and start to notice patterns
We distill those patterns into methods and we can contrast them
We hope to systematize those methods
We can compare that with other disciplines and personalities
We can understand what economics is about and what it actually supposes and implies
for example, about exclusion and inclusion
Part II. Community Economics
We can ask whether community economics uses the same methods as economics
Whether they are the same discipline or not.
Alternatives to economics
Organizing without economics, without exclusion
Jesus: giving everything away
Florian: life as a gift sustained by more gifts
Transitioning to alternatives
Part III. Investigatory Culture
What is the culture that allows us to think fresh about economics?
A culture that is able to let go of prejudices and preconceptions
A culture that values each person in terms of their integrity
Deepest value, relationship with truth
A culture that focuses on investigations
investigatory questions, ways of figuring things out
Part IV. Practical involvement
NOTES from presentation "Local Futures is a pioneer of the worldwide localization movement.
Our focus is on ‘going local’ as a key strategy for restoring ecological, social and spiritual wellbeing. Our films, books, podcast, blog, toolkits, webinars, and conferences are helping to build an international movement for systemic change. Dive deeper into the facts and browse our latest resources below:"
Many of the images were taken from the talk Scientists' Warning on Money given at the 2024 RAMICS Conference in Rome the Future of Money.
- Cottonbro Studio, Public Domain
- (MycoFi roots)
- (IMAGE uncredited, taken by Marcus Petz)
- (IMAGE uncredited, but CNR ISSIRFA@rfacnr)
- (CoFi Liège UNCREDITED GROUP PHOTO paid for by Nicolas Franka)
- Screen grabs taken by Marcus Petz of Econet wiki pages