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See also: Econet Action Plan and 2024 12 HUMANs Solidarity Summit

Econet Action Plan Presentation

Marcus Petz has been accepted to give a presentation at this panel:

Relationality and the Climate Commons: Understanding, Feeling, Connecting, and Working with Others

co-Chairs: Raul Lejano1, Marcela Brugnach, Juan-Felipe Ortiz-Riomalo, and Fikret Berkes


Action around climate change poses perhaps the most daunting collective action problem for the commons. The issue transcends institutional boundaries, cuts across all scales of analysis (individual, community, nation, globe), and poses free rider problems encompassing multiple generations. The literature has proposed a number of institutional pathways for engendering collective action, including state-centered, market-based, and communitarian modes of organization. These institutional models trigger collective action through mechanisms involving individual rationality, social pressure, reciprocity, and others. However, in recent years, there has emerged another, underutilized pathway for collective action –relationality. Through social networks, connections across individuals and groups bring about pro-environmental action through mechanisms involving cognitive and emotional pathways (e.g., feeling empathy, caring for others). We will review, first, the conceptual basis for the relational model of collective action and, secondly, present a number of case studies that provide evidence for its activation in situations surrounding the climate commons.

Related References:

  • Brugnach et al. (2021). Relational quality and uncertainty in common pool water management. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 15188.
  • Lejano,R. (2023). Caring, Empathy, and the Commons. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ortiz-Riomalo,J.F. et al. (2021). Inducing perspective-taking for prosocial behaviour in natural resource management. JEEM, 110, 102513.

From our earlier presentation

Andrius Kulikauskas, Marcus Petz and Jere Northrop are giving this

Econet Action Plan Presentation

Econet action plan for citizen scientists

learning about our environment, our society, ourselves

If we care about the environment, and try to understand it, we should care about our society, and try to understand it, and care about ourselves, and try to understand ourselves.


Three minds

Letting go of our prejudices, letting go of our preconceptions.

Being left in the void, by ourselves, what remains.

Exercising Consciousness

Three investigations for citizen scientists

Three investigations for three minds

Theory Translator

A Language of Wisdom

3 Minds and 8 States of Mind

Math 4 Wisdom

Bott periodicity

Theory Translator

24 Ways Jere Northrop Figures Things Out

More examples of ways of figuring things out

Proposal: Active Inference for Bioregion Representation