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Econet / StephanieRearick     Search:

Stephanie Rearick My motivation for starting and running Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks (HUMANs) Global Cooperative

There's an infinite amount of good work that needs to be done - to take care of young, old, disabled, injured, and sick neighbors and family members; to create beautiful things; to grow , distribute, and prepare healthy food; to generate localized clean energy; to build community ties; to create and restore peace in conflicted communities; to build civic engagement; and last but not least, to clean up the messes we've made in our soil, air, and water.

People often know how to solve the problems in their own communities, or have very educated guesses, but lack the infrastructure, know-how, tools, and time to carry out those solutions. People are often working meaningless sometimes destructive jobs in order to make ends meet, when we could be building an economy that supports them to build their skills and apply them to making their communities whole and beautiful.

People deserve to live their highest and best life in their time on this earth, and we intend to create opportunities for everyone to build their skills to their maximum capabilities, then apply them to making their communities whole and beautiful. In addition to the fundamental needs we're addressing, listed above, we also aim to meet people's fundamental need for meaning in their lives.

When we broaden our view of economy, and look at the different functions filled by different economic practices (incentivizing work, pooling risk, storing value, mediating exchange, etc) we can see there are a variety of values-aligned cooperative practices to fill each function. By recognizing this and structuring our activities accordingly, we begin to shift economic activity from the exploitative practices in the current dominant Western (for lack of a more accurate term) economy to practices that foster regeneration of people, families, neighborhoods, watersheds, bioregions, and planet.

I also write, record, and perform music - solo on keyboard, vocals, and loops; in the band Ladyscissors and the new the Mothballs.

Areas worked on


Econaut: Stephanie Rearick

AlphabeticalOrder: Rearick, Stephanie

DeepestValue is Compassion


Investigatory question is How do we organize HUMANs properly so that we're dividing the labor and commisioning the work so that we can all do what we want to do?

An additional question is How to share our knowledge and have a good place for sharing it?

An additional question is What questions to ask people so that their profile page gives a sense of who they are?