HUMANS has a map of world activities
and is collaborating with Matt Slater for an economics system based on time.
The idea is to allow people to do what they want to do. How is this related to the ecological world???
Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks The HUMANs - a cooperative network of peer support for building and living a mutual aid economy, open to members around the world
Mutual Aid Networks (MANs) are a new type of networked cooperative creating means for everyone to discover and succeed in work they want to do, with the support of their community. We create opportunities to support each other’s right to a human livelihood, or Lively Humanhood, doing the variety of work we really wish to do in the world, changing the meaning of “working for the MAN.”
Through the HUMANs (Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks, formerly the Main MAN), a global umbrella cooperative, all sister sites and members share knowledge, material support, and tools - including software for organizing, exchanging, and project management.
Together we demonstrate that the economy is what we make it. There is a Wheel with Gears which shows the economic ecology as conceived by MAN
This is related to the MAN's Pyramid of abundance