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Econet / EconmicMethodologyAtWikipedia     Search:

How Economists Figure Things Out, Organizing Economic Methods

Andrius: Marcus and all, this is a list of Wikipedia pages for us to go through to see which contain important examples of ways that economist figure things out.

Collecting Examples from the Wikipedia list Economic methodology

Codes for pages

Is it relevant?

  • 4 = extremely relevant content
  • 3 = should include
  • 2 = useful content but can skip
  • 1 = superfluous
  • 0 = no useful content

Have we made use of it?

  • P = partially: have used it for at least one example but expect to get more
  • F = fully: have gotten the desired examples from this

Organized pages (organized by Andrius)

Description of economic participant

Unorganized pages

0 Economic methodology

Experimental economics

Experimental economists

Economic forecasting

Market trend

Calendar effect

Business cycle

Economic bubble

Fundamental analysis

Financial ratio


Technical analysis

Mathematical and quantitative methods (economics)

Rational choice theory

Public choice theory
