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Community of Econet

Econet is a community of individuals. The individual perspective can be contrasted with the collective perspective. The collective perspective can lead to a collective approach. Here the individual is not given priority over the collective - rather vice-versa. Econet is able to generate emergent properties by looking at the spaces between individuals and how they interact. Such a field approach is familiar from cybernetics and the work of Christopher Alexander e.g. The Nature of Order.

With Econet we start to create communities e.g. TimberFish Technologists Clubs ; Community Economics case studies are reporting on some of the communities we have encountered and are part of e.g. HUMANS in Madison, USA which empowers individuals to achieve their wants and needs as part of a mutualistic community.

EMAILS from Leland & Marcus around community ............. PLEASE do add some of this to the Econet page. ALSO please note that there are some scientific uses of community we should cover:

Community of use COmmunity of practice Community of place COmmunity of interest - off the top of my head. I would like to see us collect those a bit too and explore which we conform to too. It is helpful to consider loose communities - gatherings, and cults for example.

It is helpful to recognise this is human communities and the sociologist definition by Redfield of "a little community". There is a lot of diversity here. I personally am interested to see how the idea of a village and hamlet have disappeared in many cases and are replaced with cities and towns in conceptual space. Surely a village is the fundamental human community - yet in the USA where is the village defined or even recognized in official terms?

I personally am skeptical about the idea of sociology and would rather have communityology? Where do we get this idea of society? ANd what is it?

As for the Econet community and SyntroFi it is very important to think where is the natural / ecological world here? How can a human community really be a community if it does not also include the natural? ANd how does it do that? How can it do that?

This latter point directly relates to the ideas we are discussing about a community economics RATHER than say ecological economic or evonomics (evolutionary economics) or non or post economic thinking such as are found in no money conceptions which Franz Nahrada is supportive of.

From: Leland Beaumont <> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 4:18 PM To: Petz, Marcus <> Cc: Math 4 Wisdom <> Subject: Re: [math4wisdom] Thank you, Daniel, for thinking with three minds!

(Mainly Marcus)

I spent some time earlier this year studying the concept of community. See: And much more at:

If you gat a chance to look at that, I will appreciate your ideas for improving the materials.

If it would be helpful I can add some of this to the community page you started at:


Leland R. Beaumont Live Wisely


Community approach to economics

See Community economics

Community of Practice

This is when we do something rather than theorise only. Within syntropic finance it is increasingly found when moving to a higher stage than dependency toward capacity and autonomous capability. The community of use includes all that are engaged in using a technology, even if their practices may vary.

Case Studies

See also

Human Potential Movement