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Leland Beaumont

I am a retired Electrical Engineer who is seeking real good.

My primary activity is creating the Applied Wisdom curriculum on Wikiversity. The learning resources are freely available world-wide. I hope they can allow more people to live more wisely.

I have written several essays describing the world as I would like to see it. The most recent of those essays describes a world that has progressed toward compassion.

As a result of clarifying my values, I identify intellectual honesty as essential, and regard each of the moral virtues as describing important ways of living.

I bet that reality exists—Every time you decide to open the door before passing through the doorway, you are betting that reality exists. We have an opportunity to learn what there is.

Reality is awesome!

Truth corresponds to reality. A true statement is an accurate description of reality, as it is best known at the time. Because understanding evolves, true statements also evolve over time.

Beliefs are what we hold to be true. Because choose our beliefs, we can choose true beliefs.

Untrue beliefs are more likely to be harmful than true beliefs. Therefore, we have a moral obligation to choose true beliefs.

I hold a secular worldview, and recommend practicing real good religion as one step toward finding common ground.

Work specifically related to includes the course on Limits to Growth. Several other courses, however, seek to create a broader context for ecological thinking. These include Evolving Money, Evolving Governments, and Intentional Evolution. The course on Envisioning our Future invites students to write an essay describing the future as it can be. Several of the existing essays describe ecologically sensitive possibilities.

I am an active member of the Citizens Climate Lobby.


Econaut: Leland R. Beaumont

AlphabeticalOrder: Beaumont, Leland R.

DeepestValue: Wisdom, as in seeking real good.

RelationshipWithTruth: Truth as the degree to which our beliefs (which we hold to be true) correspond to reality.